Presented by Spokane County Library District

Spokane Creators

Fantasy in Literary Art

Stacy Bair Ogden

Stacy Bair Ogden has been writing as long as she can remember, weaving together rich worlds with a wide variety of characters.

Andrew D. Meredith

Andrew D Meredith’s journey has taken him to many fantastical places. He’s now committed to the quest he was called to so long ago: the telling of fantastical tales, and bringing to life underestimated characters willing to take on the responsibilities no one else will.

Trace Kerr

Trace Kerr is a lifelong Pacific Northwesterner who never uses an umbrella when it rains.

Asa Maria Bradley

Asa Maria Bradley writes action-packed romance and fantasy novels.

Jeremy A. TeGrotenhuis

Jeremy A. TeGrotenhuis is a fantasy writer.